Solar Technician Schools in Denver

After deciding to become a solar technician in Denver, Colorado, the next step is to find an appropriate training program. Luckily, there are a few incredible options to consider.

Narrowing down the list to the most suitable option is down to you, but we aim to help make this process easier by providing a list containing the best options. All the entries below have been filtered to ensure they meet the minimum standards required for quality education and a straightforward path to certification and licensing.

Firstly, however, below is a quick overview of the steps you must go through to become a solar technician in Denver, Colorado.

How to Become a Solar Technician in Denver

The state of Colorado has no basic educational requirements for solar technicians. This makes it easy to acquire training on the job. Sometimes, however, employers ask for a high school diploma or GED.

Additionally, a driver’s license is often needed to enroll in a training program and get certified.

Training programs can be online or offline, depending on individual preference. Both have their benefits regarding hands-on training, flexibility, and tuition cost.

As for certification, while they’re not mandatory, credentials from professional organizations can go a long way in helping solar technicians stand out and earn more money.

Lastly, solar technicians in Denver are expected to be licensed by the Department of Regulatory Agencies and the Colorado Electrical Board before they can start taking on contracts.

Top Solar Technician Schools in Denver, Colorado

Since we’re familiar with the basic requirements for becoming a solar technician in Denver, below are some of the best training programs to consider. The list includes offline trade programs, online programs, and private companies that offer training for upcoming solar techs.

1. Solar Energy International

Solar Energy International offers training discounts so employers all over Colorado can send their employees to acquire advanced solar technology training through the school’s online courses and hands-on workshops.

The program is designed to meet standards top solar tech educational bodies, governments, and manufacturers set. Classes are available in English and Spanish.

Along with the online training, SEI provides in-person training at their facility. Overall, the program focuses on a mix of introductory foundational topics for solar techs just starting out, and advanced continuing education topics for those already working.

Training topics include solar electric design and installation, advanced PV system design, tools and techniques for operations and maintenance, and advanced PV multimode and microgrid design.

2. Solairgen

Solairgen is an online training program for future solar technicians. Both the IREC and NABCEP accredit the program. Having been in existence since 2007, the school continues to grow in popularity thanks to its flexibility and the opportunity it offers students to work at their own pace.

Among other things, students learn about the fundamentals of PV systems installation and maintenance. And, of course, even though most of the course happens online, there is also a workshop option for hands-on training.

The program also offers more certification through the online PV201 design and installation class that qualifies students to sit for the NABCEP Associate Installer Credential Certification Examination.

3. Grid Alternatives

Grid Alternatives offers individuals the opportunity to join Colorado’s growing green workforce by attending the Grid Alternatives Solar Training Academy. The program has existed since 2017 and combines both classroom and hands-on training to provide hard and soft skills, industry-recognized certifications, and networking opportunities.

Moreover, students are paid for the two weeks of training and will be eligible for solar empowerment once they complete the program.

4. Century College

Lastly, Century College is another viable option for aspiring solar technicians looking to complete their programs online. Courses offered by Century College are divided into day, evening, and night sessions for more flexibility.

The school’s Solar Assessor certificate can be completed online and teaches courses such as advanced photovoltaic systems, facility workplace safety, and solar energy construction.

The total duration for this program ranges between 4 months to two years for the associate degree option.