Plumbing Schools in Charleston

Charleston, West Virginia, is a lovely place to become a plumber. For this reason, it is also a beautiful place to train to become a plumber seeing as there are so many excellent institutions and training programs in and around the city.

For aspiring plumbers in this area, the difficulty is usually not in finding a training school but in choosing between the sea of options available.

To help make things a lot easier, we have provided a comprehensive list below containing some of the city’s best training programs for plumbers. All the entries on the list boast of established coursework that has already produced many successful graduates and an experienced team of instructors to guide students along the journey.

How to Become a Plumber in Charleston

Aspiring plumbers in Charleston, West Virginia, usually start by acquiring a high school diploma or GED, which they’ll need to enroll in a college program or a trade school. Those who desire a more hands-on approach may choose an apprenticeship program instead.

It is also possible to consider a fast-tracked training program lasting for a few months instead of the years-long route. Graduates of fast-tracked courses may have to complement their training with a few months of work as a plumber’s assistant to acquire real-world experience.

As for licensure, plumbers in Charleston must start as “Plumber in Training” before applying for a Journeyman license. Those who wish to take on more significant contracts must apply for a Plumbing Contractor License but must have already been practicing as a Master Plumber.

Top Plumbing Technician Schools in Charleston, West Virginia

There are a handful of plumbing technician schools in and around Charleston, including programs offered by colleges, technical centers, and public higher education systems. We take a look at some of the most prominent of these below:

1. Putnam Career and Technical Center

Putnam Career and Technical Center has one of the state’s most popular plumbing training programs. Here, a team of experienced instructors who have been master plumbers themselves teaches students the fundamentals of plumbing and the job’s underlying ethics.

Consisting of around 1080 hours of instruction, the whole course can be completed between one to two years, depending on the enrollment status.

The critical focus topics include blueprint reading, pipes, fitting assembly, diagnostics, and repairs.

2. Carver Career and Technical Education Center

Another top-rated training center in West Virginia, Carver Career and Technical Education Center, was founded to provide educational programs for secondary and adult students, and that is precisely what the plumbing program does.

Here, students learn all the critical plumbing topics to help them secure valuable employment and ultimately branch out independently. Moreover, students are also prepared for necessary certification examinations such as the NCCER certification.

Graduates automatically qualify for the International Code Council Building Codes Specialist and a 10-hour OSHA training.

3. West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

The state of West Virginia’s Higher Education Policy Commission has 12 campuses where students can acquire training in various fields at affordable costs. Among the programs on offer is the plumbing program, created to produce talented plumbers who can think creatively.

Students here can choose between a certificate/diploma program and an associate degree program. Regardless of their choice, students will learn how to leverage the knowledge acquired from the program to build a successful business or secure employment at a respectable establishment.

Topics of focus include assembly installation and maintenance of piping fixtures for steam, natural gas, and industrial processing systems.

4. Charleston JATC of Plumbers and Fitters

There are numerous apprenticeship opportunities for aspiring plumbers to take advantage of in and around Charleston. Some of the most popular are the apprenticeship opportunities provided by different chapters of the JATC of Plumbers and Fitters.

These programs last five years and teach all the critical plumbing and pipe fitting topics. To apply, candidates must be 17 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. The ability to physically perform the work of the trade and complete a drug test is also required.