Plumbing Schools in Virginia Beach

There are a few things to consider when choosing a plumbing training program in Virginia Beach. First, you want to identify whether you prefer a community college, trade school, or more hands-on options. Then, you want to ensure that your destination provides access to state-of-the-art facilities, wonderful instructors, and a comprehensive curriculum.

Of course, there is also the question of accreditation, both on an institutional and programmatic level. Naturally, it can take effort to keep up with these criteria independently. However, you don’t have to worry because that is precisely what the list below is for.

We have conducted all the research on your behalf and have outlined only the best plumbing schools in Virginia Beach below. You will also find a breakdown of these institutions and why they deserve your attention.

How to Become a Plumber in Virginia Beach

The steps to becoming a plumber in Virginia Beach can be summarized as follows: meet the basic requirements, enroll in a training program, accrue experience on the job, apply for possible certification, and apply for a license.

The basic requirements include being at least 18 years old and having strong mathematical knowledge.

From there, candidates may enroll in an academic program such as the ones offered by community colleges and trade schools. They may also obtain real-world, hands-on experience by applying for apprenticeship programs.

The list below contains the best destinations for such training.

Furthermore, candidates may apply for certification to enjoy professional benefits (even though it is not mandatory). Licensing is compulsory and is overseen by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

Top Plumbing Schools in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Aspiring plumbers in Virginia Beach may consider any of the entries below for their top-quality training.

Virginia Technical Institute

Virginia Technical Institute offers an introduction to plumbing program that seeks to do exactly what the name implies — introduce students to the plumbing profession. It includes rigorous instructions on various crucial topics such as plumbing tools, safety, plumbing mathematics, copper pipes, cast iron pipes, and fixtures, among others.

The program is notable for its high job placement rate, producing numerous successful plumbers nationwide.

Virginia Technical Academy

Virginia Technical Academy is another wonderful destination for residents of Virginia Beach to acquire comprehensive plumbing training right within state borders. The school is notable for quality instructors, a serene learning environment, and hands-on training.

The program is structured into four different levels. These include the Plumbing Level 1 program with 120 training hours, the Plumbing Level 2 program with 180 training hours, the Plumbing Level 3 program with 180 training hours, and the Plumbing Level 4 program with 180 training hours.

Topics of focus include fixtures and faucets, vent systems, water distribution systems, type of valves, installation and testing of DWV piping, introduction to electricity, fuel gas systems, corrugated stainless steel tubing, and more.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Piedmont Virginia Community College

Piedmont Virginia Community College offers a plumbing training program divided into three main focus areas — Introduction to Construction program, Plumbing Level I, and Plumbing Level II.

The Introduction to Construction course introduces students to fundamental topics in the field. In contrast, the Plumbing Level 1 course helps them master these basic concepts, including safety, tools and equipment, and plumbing mathematics.

Students of the Plumbing Level 2 course will continue their training, focusing on more advanced topics such as commercial drawings, structural penetrations, fixtures and valve installation, and more.

ABC Virginia

The Associated Builders and Contractors is notable for several top-quality training programs in the constitution fields. Residents of Virginia Beach can take advantage of this apprenticeship program to receive both classroom and on-the-job training.

Apart from the mentorship and potential job placement assistance, a wonderful highlight of applying here is that candidates can earn while they learn.

By the time they graduate, students here will be able to install pipes and fixtures, read blueprints, follow State building codes, identify key materials, inspect pipe systems, troubleshoot problematic structures, and replace worn parts.

Wytheville Community College

Wytheville Community College offers a Construction Technology training program with a possible Plumbing Diploma focus. The program can be completed in five semesters and is designed to help students meet the requirements for earning a journeyman plumber license and secure entry-level employment.

Key topics taught here include fuel gas systems, sewage pumps, plumbing codes and safety, installing water heaters, drains, waste and vent systems, plumbing drawings, plastic and copper pipe, valves, and more.

Consider neighboring states for training: