Plumbing Schools in Charlotte

Plumbing schools in Charlotte, North Carolina, prepare students for successful careers in various plumbing fields. They also help students meet the requirements set out by the state for possible licensure and career advancement opportunities.

It is common for aspiring plumbers to get overwhelmed when choosing the right school. This is because there are so many factors to consider, and it may be challenging sifting through the endless list of possible destinations.

However, future plumbers in Charlotte will be glad to know that below, we have narrowed down the list to only a few of the most prominent training programs in and around the city. The entries on our list operate at a very high educational standard and guarantee comprehensive training from experienced faculties.

How to Become a Plumber in Charlotte

To begin a plumbing career in Charlotte, North Carolina, the first step is usually to enroll in a training program. Of course, to do so, candidates must be at least 17 years old and have their high school diploma or GED.

After completing their training, either from an academic or an apprenticeship program, the next important step is obtaining a license from the state. Licenses for plumbers in North Carolina are divided into three categories: Plumbing Class 1, Plumbing Class 2, and Restricted Limited Plumbing (RLP) categories.

Candidates may also go for a sub-license category to be recognized as plumbing technicians in the state.

Top Plumbing Schools in Charlotte, North Carolina

Below is a concise but comprehensive list containing the most notable plumbing schools in and around Charlotte, North Carolina.

Central Piedmont Community College

Central Piedmont Community College offers a plumbing program ideal for those who wish to acquire classroom instructions before enrolling in an apprenticeship program.

The program deals with an introduction to basic plumbing, focusing on topics such as essential plumbing tools, safety, and fixtures. Students can also participate in an Introduction To Plumbing Codes course, where they will become familiar with the relevant city and state codes and regulations.

The program boasts top-quality instructors with significant experience in the field.

Southeastern Community College

At Southeastern Community College – located in the heart of Columbus County – students can enroll in a plumbing program that prepares them for various specializations. The program is enough to secure entry-level employment.

Of course, those who wish for more real-world experience may consolidate their certificates with an apprenticeship program.

During the program, accepted applicants learn about the safe use of tools, basic installation and maintenance, standard practices, and introduction to appliances and fixtures common in plumbing systems.

Graduates may go on to secure employment in several plumbing-related fields.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Wake Technical Community College

Wake Technical Community College is another destination for high-quality plumbing training for aspiring candidates in Charlotte. The school boasts of being the largest Community College in North Carolina and has more than 70,000 students every year.

Future plumbers may consider the plumbing program, whose sole objective is to produce highly skilled graduates capable of securing employment in several plumbing fields.

The program includes plumbing systems repair and installation, diagram sketching, blueprint interpretation, and plumbing assembly.

Accepted candidates will also become well-versed in state codes and requirements.

Guilford Technical Community College

Guilford Technical Community College offers more than 18 programs leading to degrees, certificates, and diplomas. The school’s plumbing certificate program provides in-depth residential and light commercial plumbing instructions.

The focus topics include interpretation of blueprints, safety, state codes, and a general introduction to plumbing systems.

Along with classroom instructions, students will also become versatile in practical applications through laboratory training and sessions at actual job sites.

Fayetteville Technical Community College

At Fayetteville Technical Community College, candidates may enroll in a plumbing training program with a comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and modern laboratories.

Fayetteville Technical Community College’s courses include many classroom instruction, like all academic plumbing programs for future plumbers. Still, students also will get to put their training to the test through live projects.

Naturally, students receive an in-depth introduction to plumbing systems and are taught about tools and safety practices. They will also learn about state codes and requirements and be able to secure employment upon graduation.

Graduates may work as plumbing contractors for maintenance companies, part supply companies, and more.

Fayetteville Community College’s plumbing program graduates are also known to secure excellent employment opportunities quickly.

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