Plumbing Schools in New Mexico

Plumbers are vital in maintaining and repairing our drainage and water supply systems. From unclogging drains to installing complex pipe systems, many of the basic amenities we often take for granted would only be possible with plumbers.

Additionally, plumbers in New Mexico enjoy a stream of ever-increasing demand and yearly income. If you are a resident of New Mexico who would like to consider a career in the field, you have come to the right place.

Below we touch upon the essential facts you need to know about becoming a plumber in New Mexico, including the steps involved, educational requirements, and potential salary.

How to Become a Plumber in New Mexico

Aspiring plumbers in New Mexico must follow the following steps before they can begin their careers:

High School Diploma or GED

Completing a secondary education is vital to enroll in vocational training for plumbers. Even certification and licensing usually require a high school diploma or GED.

Additionally, vocational courses in high school, along with mathematics, science, and technology subjects, usually provide a strong foundation for future plumbers.

Plumbing Training Alternatives

A high school diploma qualifies you to enroll in plumbing training. But when obtaining the training required to become a plumber, there are a few alternatives to consider.

We take a look at all the available options below.

  • Vocational/Trade School - There are numerous accredited technical universities in New Mexico where students can learn how to become successful plumbers. These programs often have a certificate option and an associate degree option to give graduates a bigger chance of securing employment at respectable institutions.
  • Apprenticeship Programs - Obtaining two years of experience as a registered apprentice is another veritable option to become a licensed plumber. These programs provide valuable mentorship and familiarity with the job demands along with the actual job training.
  • Fast-Tracked Courses & Plumbing Assistance - Fast-tracked courses offer a faster path toward becoming a plumber. They usually last for about ten weeks and deal with general plumbing techniques.

To consolidate the knowledge acquired at a fast-tracked program, working for a while as a plumber’s assistant is advisable.

Top Plumbing Schools in New Mexico

1. Santa Fe Community College

The esteemed instructors at Santa Fe Community College teach future plumbers how to repair pipes and plumbing fixtures and install and maintain water and drainage systems - among other things.

The program is notable for emphasizing creativity and problem-solving in basic plumbing activities such as pipe fitting. It also teaches students how to work with the latest technologies in the field.

2. Northern New Mexico College

Northern New Mexico College has been in existence for more than a hundred years now. It boasts high-quality nursing, science, business, liberal arts, and stem programs.

The plumbing course was founded in collaboration with the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters and is available only to members of the local 412 Plumbing and Pipefitters Union.

3. University of New Mexico

Candidates who enroll in the plumbing training program at the University of New get to learn all the basic skills they’ll need to succeed in the plumbing and piping industry.

The program is self-paced, meaning students can learn without getting overwhelmed. The focus topics are basic plumbing safety, standard piping, water systems, and installation of plumbing fixtures.

Explore Plumbing Schools by City:

Licensure and Certification Requirements

The state of New Mexico has strict licensure requirements for apprentice plumbers and journeyman plumbers. The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department issues licenses in both categories.

Candidates must be at least 18 and have a high school diploma and driver’s license to be eligible for the apprentice license. They must have completed a training program or apprenticeship and take an online exam to become a journeyman plumber in the state.

Unlike most other states, New Mexico does not have a master plumber license category. Anyone who wishes to transcend the journeyman description may move on to become a plumbing contractor. They may apply for the plumbing contractor license issued by the Construction Industries and Manufactured Housing Division.

Learn about plumber licensing and certification in neighboring states:

Salary and Job Outlook

The annual average salary for plumbers in New Mexico is $54,875. The lowest earners earn an average yearly salary of $39,454, while the highest earn $76,325 annually.

The best place to be a New Mexico plumber is Roswell, with an annual average salary of $61,322. Hobbs and Albuquerque round up the top three yearly averages of $60,729 and $56,904, respectively.

Sorting strictly by experience, plumbers with less than a year’s experience earn an annual average salary of $45,973 in New Mexico. In contrast, those with over ten years of experience earn around $66,696 annually.