Medical Assistant Schools in Wichita

Medical assistants who work in OB-GYN offices are expected to help physicians with pelvic exams and perform routine tests, such as pregnancy and STD tests. Those who work in back offices will focus on administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments and updating patient records.

Clinical medical assistants must know how to draw blood, conduct tests, and administer medications. Thus, the specific duties of a medical assistant in Wichita, Kansas, can vary based on their actual work environment.

Still, there are general requirements for professionals in the field regardless of specialization, and the most important of these is education.

The list below showcases some top destinations for city residents to receive robust training and begin their careers.

How to Become a Medical Assistant in Wichita

The city of Wichita does not have licensing laws for prospective medical assistants, which means that candidates can simply receive training and start working professionally. However, it is common for them to pursue certification to improve their career chances.

The Certified Clinical Medical Assistant certification is one of the most common in this regard. Candidates may also pursue the Registered Medical Assistant and Certified Medical Assistant credentials.

Nearly all of these credentials require candidates to graduate from an accredited training program, which can be a certificate or associate degree program.

Top Medical Assistant Schools in Wichita, Kansas

Wichita, Kansas, offers the following high-quality training programs for aspiring medical assistants in the city.


Wichita Technical Institute

Wichita, KS Campus Only

Wichita Technical Institute is a popular institution in Kansas that has several top-quality technical programs. For future medical assistants, the institute has an excellent medical assistant program that leads to expertise in both clinical and administrative focus areas.

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$4,000 per Quarter
  • (316) 943-2241


Kansas City Kansas Community College

Kansas City, KS Campus Only

Kansas City Kansas Community College has a medical assistant training program that stands out thanks to its emphasis on robust learning experience via classroom and hands-on education. The program has accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).

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$107 - $233 per Credit
  • (913) 288-7862



Mid-America College of Health Sciences

Merriam, KS Campus Only

Mid-America College of Health Sciences is notable for its medical assistant program. This program offers preparation for the CCMA examination and training in a well-equipped laboratory. It can be completed in 22 weeks, and classes are flexible enough to accommodate weekday morning and evening sessions.

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$9,800 per Program
  • (913) 708-8323



Coffeyville Community College

Coffeyville, KS Campus + Online

Students of the medical assistant training program at Coffeyville Community College can look forward to starting their careers on an excellent track thanks to the well-rounded program with a comprehensive curriculum and competent instructors.

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$6,425 per Program
  • (620) 251-7700



Barton Community College

Great Bend, KS Campus + Online

Lastly, prospective medical assistants from anywhere in Kansas can apply to Barton Community College for a medical assistant program that offers 64 credit hours and leads to an associate of applied science degree.

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$115 - $218 per Credit
  • (620) 792-2701


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