Masonry Worker Schools in Seattle

Typically, masons in Seattle, Washington, must spend around 2 to 4 years obtaining training before launching a career. Although several steps are involved in starting a masonry career, the most important is acquiring the right training at the right program.

With this, it will be easier for a mason to keep up when they secure employment, and it would be almost impossible to scale and take advantage of career growth opportunities.

To that end, we have provided a comprehensive list of the best and most notable training programs for masonry workers in and around Seattle, Washington. We have also included a broad overview of what makes these programs special and why they deserve your attention.

How to Become a Masonry Worker in Seattle

Anyone looking to become a masonry worker in Seattle must ensure that they have a high school diploma or GED. This will qualify them to seek a position as a masonry worker’s assistant in training or enroll in an apprenticeship program.

Candidates who enroll in an apprenticeship program will learn what they need to know to be considered a professional mason via an extremely hands-on environment. They will also gain real-world experience and mentorship from established masons.

The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries board licenses masonry contractors. Only those who plan to take on significant contracts are expected to apply for a masonry contractor license.

Explore Detailed Steps and Certification Requirements:

Top Masonry Worker Schools in Seattle, Washington

Future masonry workers in Seattle may consider some of the top programs listed below for their education.

Western Washington Masonry Trades

Western Washington Masonry Trades offers interested individuals the opportunity to build their future by learning a handful of masonry skills, including bricklaying, tile laying, marble masonry, finishing, and terrazzo masonry. Organized as an apprenticeship program courtesy of the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1, participants of this program will study at the South Seattle College’s Georgetown campus in Seattle.

Among other things, they will learn the fundamentals of masonry, basic mathematics, blueprint reading, history of the trowel trade, and manufacturing materials. As expected, the program is extremely hands-on and offers various benefits, including opportunities for participants to earn while they learn.

Candidates must bring their valid driver’s license, high school diploma or GED, and social security card to the training center for their official application.

Cement Masons and Plasterers of Washington

The Cement Masons and Plasterers of Washington is another organization offering top-class masonry training for interested individuals in the state. The organization has locations in Spokane, Alaska, and Seattle.

Naturally, candidates will become familiar with a handful of masonry topics and acquire the necessary skills to secure employment immediately. Training lasts 3 years and includes many hands-on sessions in real-world environments.

The Cement Masons and Plasterers of Washington also allow cement masonry contractors to register their direct-hire candidates with the center. Once enrolled, they will receive additional complementary training to supplement their skills and become familiar with what to expect on the job.

Seattle Central College

At Seattle Central College, future masons can receive extensive training by participating in the residential construction program. This program was created to satisfy the demand for area workers with residential building skills.

Candidates may earn a certificate after acquiring hands-on training that allows them to put their skills to work in an actual real-world environment. Participants will learn the fundamentals of construction and gain experience using tools and materials and carrying out interior and exterior finishing.

The program lasts three quarters at Seattle Central College’s Wood Technology Center. Participants must be prepared to attend classes one evening per week plus a few Saturdays every quarter.

Washington Building Trades

Lastly, individuals looking to pursue a career in masonry – particularly those who wish to acquire general construction skills – can enroll in the training program offered by Washington Building Trades.

The organization offers top-class apprenticeship programs that allow candidates to kick-start highly successful careers in construction.

Like most apprenticeship programs in the area, this program combines both on-the-job training and classroom instruction.

Students will learn about architecture and construction while becoming familiar with common tools, equipment, and safety principles. Candidates may enroll in the program by visiting the Washington Department of Labor and Industries website.

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