Masonry Schools in Detroit

As an aspiring masonry worker in Detroit, Michigan, there are a few factors and criteria you want to look for before enrolling in a program. These include coursework comprehensiveness, state of the facility, instructor quality, and the ability to provide a complete educational framework for students by striking the perfect balance between classroom training and hands-on instructions.

Quite a few institutions in and around Detroit, Michigan, fulfill these requirements. Of course, finding them can be challenging, so we have provided the list below to guide individuals interested in a career as a masonry worker to the top programs in and around the city worthy of their consideration.

How to Become a Masonry Worker in Detroit

Aspiring workers in Detroit must be prepared to provide their high school diploma or GED equivalent to secure admission into a masonry training program. Candidates have two choices for their training: to apply for an academic program or to acquire training on the job.

Academic programs focus on classroom instructions with some hands-on training, while on-the-job training programs focus on hands-on training with a few classroom instructions.

Upon completion of their training program, masonry workers in Detroit must obtain a maintenance and alteration contractor’s license from the state of Michigan before they can begin working on contracts.

For more detailed information on the steps involved in becoming a masonry worker in Detroit, including options for training and obtaining a contractor’s license, refer to our comprehensive guide on how to become a masonry worker in Michigan.

Top Masonry Schools in Detroit, Michigan

The following are some of the top masonry training programs in and around Detroit.

BAC - Metro Detroit Training Center

Individuals looking for high-quality masonry apprenticeship training in Detroit will consider the training program offered by the BAC’s Metro Detroit Training Center chapter. They receive hands-on training under highly qualified instructors in several masonry fields, such as brick, stone, marble, cement, terrazzo, and restoration.

To apply, candidates must visit the official program website and download an application packet to submit their official applications. Applicants must be at least 18, have a high school diploma or GED, and be drug-free.

It is also worth mentioning that the program offers students the opportunity to earn while they learn, with a 5% raise every six months. The program also includes 12 weeks of pre-job training before actual training on the job.

Michigan OPCMIA Training Center

Michigan OPCMIA Training Center offers numerous high-quality apprenticeship training programs, including two top-notch operative plastering and cement masonry programs.

As expected, these programs incorporate a lot of hands-on training in a workshop environment and mentorship from established masons in the state.

To apply, candidates must be 18, have a high school diploma or GED, and pass the drug screening test. Both programs are accredited by the Michigan Department of Labor and the Associated General Contractors of Michigan.

Detroit Training Center

At the Detroit Training Center in Loraine Street, interested individuals enjoy a world-class masonry restoration program providing hands-on training and certifications. The program also offers job placement opportunities to help graduates get hired. Training covers key topics, including blueprint reading, mortar spreading, bricklaying, etc.

Greater Michigan Construction Academy

Another excellent destination to acquire high-quality masonry training in Detroit, the Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA) offers hands-on training in several construction fields, such as plumbing, carpentry, HVAC technology, ironworking, and masonry.

Aspiring masons who enroll in this program will enjoy learning under friendly instructors with decades of experience in their field and top-class facilities with relevant tools and equipment.

The program also offers intermittent assessment testing for students to evaluate their skill level and receive prescriptions for how to proceed.

GMCA is accredited by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).

Macomb Community College

Macomb Community College offers graduates of masonry apprenticeship training programs in the state an opportunity to earn a certificate or an associate of applied science degree from the school.

After graduating from an approved apprenticeship program, candidates may contribute their training hours into eligible credits for manufacturing, maintenance, or building construction technology degrees.

Macomb Community College has locations in Clinton Township and Warren, Michigan.

At Your Pace Training

At Your Pace Michigan Contractor Training offers a masonry training program approved by LARA (Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs). Applicants who enroll in this program will enjoy 60 hours of training materials, including videos, slides, and animated quizzes, and access to additional online classroom resources prepared by experienced instructors.

It is also worth mentioning that the program is highly flexible in its payment plan and the structure of the courses. This way, students can proceed at their own pace without getting overwhelmed.