Home and Building Inspector Schools in Columbus, Ohio

Individuals in Columbus, Ohio, who are meticulous and detail-oriented may find themselves well-suited for a home and building inspector career. However, having the qualities above is just the starting point.

To become an actual home and building inspector and secure employment in Columbus, interested candidates must complete a home and building inspector training course. Additionally, they must obtain real-world experience before qualifying for a professional credential.

This list below examines some of Columbus’s top home and building inspector schools and provides key points that make these entries stand out.

How to Become a Home and Building Inspector in Columbus

To become a home and building inspector in Columbus, the first step is to complete a training program approved by the state of Ohio. Such programs must include 80 hours of training and be able to prepare candidates for their upcoming exams.

Along with the 80 hours spent in a training program, candidates must also spend some time gaining practical experience in the field. To do so, they have two options.

The first option is to complete 40 hours of curriculum experience and a peer review, while the second option is to conduct 10 parallel home inspections under the supervision of a licensed home inspector in Ohio.

Lastly, candidates are expected to pass the National Home Inspector Examination and submit an official application to the state.

For professional certification, candidates may consider joining a professional organization such as the American Society of Home Inspectors.

Top Home and Building Inspector Schools in Columbus, Ohio

The entries below are some of the most prominent home and building inspector schools in and around Columbus, Ohio.

Home Inspector Training Institute of Ohio

Home Inspector Training Institute of Ohio offers a competitively priced training program for prospective students anywhere in the state. The program also offers financial aid for those who qualify.

Among other things, candidates will enjoy learning under the tutelage of established and experienced home inspectors in Ohio. The program website highlights that the course includes much hands-on training and will prepare candidates for their professional demands and the National Home Inspector Examination.

Instructors emphasize report writing, assessment, and risk management, among other key topics. The school is also licensed for continuing education.

Inspection Certification Associates ICA

The inspection certification Associates offer multiple training programs for candidates across the country. To meet the specific requirements set by the state of Ohio, the school offers an 80-hour home inspection training course.

Candidates may also participate in the 40-hour curriculum of experience course. By the time they finish the program, graduates would have learned enough to become successful home and building inspectors and pass the national home inspectors exam.

As a bonus, the ICA also offers free report-writing software that makes report analysis easier for home and building inspectors in the state.

Explore detailed steps, education, and Licensing requirements:

American Home Inspectors Training

American Home Inspectors Training is another training destination with a nationwide footprint but with a specific provision to suit the requirements of becoming a home and building inspector in Ohio. As expected, candidates learn everything they need to start their careers and pass the national examination, including indoor, outdoor, electrical, heating, and cooling systems topics.

The program can be completed in 3 weeks, after which candidates will receive additional guidance regarding the business and marketing aspects of the profession. The education package also includes provision for mentorship from established inspectors all over the country.

Hondros College

Hondros College offers an Ohio home inspector license course known to be highly flexible. Thanks to its self-paced nature, students can decide how quickly they want to proceed.

The program offers teaching resources, including live-streaming online materials, hands-on demonstrations, and dedicated student support. Candidates will also enjoy learning under expert faculty with significant experience on the job.

Depending on the chosen training package, students may participate in foundation courses, interactive sessions, home inspection preparatory boot camps, and more. There are no prerequisites required to secure admission.

PDH Academy

Lastly, PDH Academy is another trusted provider of approved home inspector training for candidates anywhere in Ohio. The academy offers a completely self-paced online program.

This is particularly suitable for candidates desiring much flexibility in their training to accommodate other commitments. The program includes various training resources, such as quizzes after each lesson and multiple-choice questions at the end of the module.

The program prepares candidates for the demands of a home and building inspector career in Ohio and helps them become familiar with possible questions in the upcoming exams.

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