Home and Building Inspector Schools in Charlotte

Aspiring home and building inspectors in Charlotte, North Carolina, looking for the most notable training schools in the area, will be glad to know that the list below contains just that. All of the entries below have been chosen for the comprehensiveness of their training and their track record of success.

As expected, these training courses have also been approved by the state. They can reach the training threshold specified for various licensing and certification requirements across the city, state, and even national certifying bodies.

However, before we go into the list itself, here is a quick reminder of the steps involved in becoming a home and building inspector in Charlotte, North Carolina.

How to Become a Home and Building Inspector in Charlotte

Aspiring home and building inspectors in Charlotte must begin their careers by acquiring training from the right state-approved destinations. These programs must include at least 120 hours of home inspection training designed to teach the theoretical aspects of the job.

For the practical experience aspect, candidates are expected to complete 80 hours of field training by visiting 10 home inspection sites. Candidates who have completed both of these steps may then move on to apply for and pass the North Carolina State Home Inspection Exam.

They must pay a $80 fee to apply.

Lastly, it is also advisable for aspiring home and building inspectors in Charlotte to consider additional certifications from professional organizations to network with fellow professionals and increase their career opportunities.

Top Home and Building Inspector Schools in Charlotte, North Carolina

Below are some of the most prominent destinations to receive approved home and building inspection training in and around Charlotte, North Carolina.

Charlotte School of Professional Studies

The Charlotte School of Professional Studies offers an online program to teach candidates everything they need to know to succeed as home and building inspectors in North Carolina. This includes best practices, inspection guidelines, identifying defects, risk management, and methodologies, among other key topics.

The program contains 11 flexible modules to accommodate candidates with busy schedules. Students can also choose to go through this program at their own pace.

There are no specific prerequisites to qualify for the course.

Casa Home Inspector Training

Casa Home Inspector Training is one of the most popular places to receive top-quality training as an aspiring home and building inspector in North Carolina. The program is designed to prepare students for the North Carolina Home Inspector Examination. Along with examination preparation courses, candidates will also get the opportunity to participate in live training for a relatively affordable price.

The institute also boasts partnerships with various professional organizations and programs, including the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors and the Inspector Pro Insurance program. These are veritable avenues to take advantage of for easier career paths and growth opportunities.

Explore detailed steps, education, and Licensing requirements:

America’s Choice Inspections

America’s Choice Inspections offers thorough and effective home inspection training for up-and-coming candidates in the area. The program is designed as a 120-hour Central Piedmont Community College course.

The program also provides candidates to fulfill the 80-hour field training requirements to receive a state license and become proper home inspectors in the area.

Additionally, candidates may take advantage of the assistance offered by the school in preparation for their examination. Students can access practice tests and other helpful resources thanks to the close connection with InterNACHI.

Inspection Certification Associates

The ICA (Inspection Certification Associates) offers top-quality home inspection training for candidates nationwide. For aspiring home and building inspectors in North Carolina, the institution provides a 120-hour training course with affordable tuition.

Candidates can also register through the associates for an 80-hour field class. All in all, interested individuals can acquire all the skills and knowledge they’ll need to become successful home and building inspectors in North Carolina through the ICA.

The Home Inspection Training Center

The Home Inspection Training Center is dedicated to providing professional home and building inspector training to candidates in North Carolina. The program also offers field training and additional resources/materials to prepare for the state examination.

Having the luxury of enjoying online classes, professional seminars, and materials they can always return to is why program graduates have a high success rate.

Licensed home and building inspectors in the state looking for continuing education can also get it here.

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