Home and Building Inspector Schools in Chicago

Home inspectors in Chicago review the conditions of houses to determine their safety and quality. Naturally, they must understand various guidelines and quality metrics in-depth.

To achieve this, candidates usually visit their homes and build inspector schools. Luckily, there are several such institutions for interested candidates in Chicago, Illinois, to consider.

We have simplified this process by providing an extensive list containing only the area’s top home and building inspection schools. Candidates will also discover some qualities to look out for in these institutions and how some make career growth and opportunities easier.

How to Become a Home and Building Inspector in Chicago

In Chicago, as with most states, aspiring home and building inspectors must complete an approved training program before practicing legally and professionally. These programs, such as the ones listed below, are expected to include at least 60 hours of training.

From here, the next step is to acquire some real-world experience by completing mock home inspections under the supervision of licensed home inspectors. This qualifies candidates for the Illinois Home Inspector Licensing Examination organized by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.

Along with passing the examination, candidates must also pay a fee of $250 and submit an official application to the department before they can be officially licensed.

Candidates may submit their applications online or by mail.

Top Home and Building Inspector Schools in Chicago, Illinois

The following are some of the most prominent home and building inspector schools in and around Chicago, Illinois.

Bellman Group - Chicagoland Home Inspectors, Inc

Chicagoland Home Inspectors, Inc. partners with Bellman Group to offer one of the most popular and respected training programs for aspiring home and building inspectors in Chicago and the entire state.

Here, candidates can start their careers by completing an 80-hour training program, including live and online training. The institute provides one-on-one home inspection training to develop communication, teamwork, and real-world skills.

There is also a ride-along home inspection training where students get to see how experts conduct actual inspections before having extensive discussions about them afterward.

Another one of the appeals of learning here is the opportunity to work closely with respected home inspectors across the state.

Inspection Certification Associates - ICA

Inspection Certification Associates (ICA) is a renowned educational resource provider across the United States for home and building inspectors. The school offers an approved training course for candidates in Illinois that meets the same high-quality standard for which it has become known. Graduates of the program will have a clear path to becoming certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors and other certification opportunities.

As expected, candidates will be taught extensively in topics ranging from exterior and roofing to interior insulation, ventilation, and electrical systems.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

PHII - Illinois

The Professional Home Inspection Institute is another organization offering extensive home inspection training in multiple locations nationwide. The school has a provision for students in Illinois in the form of a flexible course that can be completed within 1 - 2 weeks, depending on candidates’ prior experience in the field.

As expected, the institute boasts established and experienced home instructors working as instructors across the country. It has produced its fair share of successful home and building inspectors.

The school also helps candidates prepare for national and state licensing exams by providing access to helpful resources and materials.

House Doctors Inspection Institute

Aspiring home and building inspectors in Illinois may also consider the training program offered by the House Doctors Inspection Training Institute. The program includes a study guide to help candidates prepare for upcoming exams, along with workbooks and practice quizzes to the same effect.

According to the program website, graduates of this program would have acquired all the skills they’d need to secure employment and enjoy success on the job.

Legacy Training Institute

Legacy Training Institute is the training program initiated by the Legacy Inspection Group, a successful home inspection company in the state.

As with most programs organized by actual home inspection companies, candidates can learn under experienced home instructors and acquire valuable real-world experience.

The program has produced up to 500 successful graduates and continues to train more. Legacy Training Institute is also a recognized continuing education destination approved by the state.

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