Electrician Schools in Milwaukee

Candidates interested in becoming electricians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will be glad to know that they don’t necessarily have to attend four-year colleges to begin their careers. One of the profession’s appeals is that there are several foundational training and education options.

However, just because candidates don’t have to attend expensive colleges doesn’t mean they don’t have to prioritize high-quality education. To that end, the list below provides several top-class options, including trade and technical schools where candidates in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, may receive high-level education in electrical technology.

How to Become an Electrician in Milwaukee

Thanks to the various training options, every prospective electrician in Milwaukee can begin their career in their way. Regardless of the training destination, the goal at this stage is to gain enough technical knowledge and hands-on experience.

As for the particular training program, trade schools and apprenticeship programs are the most popular routes in Milwaukee. Both usually require applicants to be at least 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and possess a high school diploma or GED.

Lastly, candidates must obtain a license from the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). They must start with a journeyman license, which can later be upgraded to a master’s license.

Top Electrician Schools in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Below are some of the most notable training destinations for aspiring electricians in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Area Technical College

Milwaukee Area Technical College offers a certificate program with affordable tuition and competent instructors. The program can be completed in a few months or a year, depending on availability.

The requirements needed to secure admission here include being at least 18 years old, possessing a high school diploma or equivalent, and having one year of high school algebra or equivalent.

Western Technical College

Western Technical College in La Crosse offers a top-class electrician program that operates at a very high educational standard and has continuously produced successful graduates.

Students can complete their programs in two years, after which they will earn an associate degree. The program itself is known officially as the Electromechanical Technology program.

Those accepted here can look forward to a quality experience with extensive hands-on training. For licensure purposes, the training received here will also contribute to one year of experience.

Explore detailed steps and top trade schools in the state:

Gateway Technical College

Gateway Technical College in Kenosha offers an associate degree in Electrical Engineering Technology for aspiring electricians nationwide. It is one of the major destinations for top-quality technical training, as evidenced by its high graduate job placement rate.

The school is known to produce competent students, and electricians who graduate from here are typically well-respected in their workplaces and have ample opportunity for rapid career growth.

The program is also comprehensive enough to allow graduates to choose between several positions in an electrical establishment, including the opportunity to work as specialist electricians or technicians.

Madison Area Technical College

Madison Area Technical College offers comprehensive hands-on training and a robust curriculum with key topics for high-level competence and adaptability.

The program emphasizes critical thinking and other intangible skills that candidates need to succeed among a team of workers. As with most training programs, the Electrical Technology program at Madison Area Technical College has strong connections with the industry, making job placement easy.

Additionally, the program partners with the Wisconsin JATC to allow students to work as apprentices and gain real-world experience before graduation. Candidates may have the opportunity to earn money while working as apprentices.

Waukesha County Technical College

Waukesha County Technical College is another veritable destination for aspiring electricians in Milwaukee. Students may choose a basic certificate or an associate degree.

Both options, of course, are valid for seeking entry-level employment afterward, but the latter includes more comprehensive coursework. A unique and impressive aspect of learning to become an electrician at Waukesha County Technical College is that the school also offers an apprenticeship program with paid employment and a progressive wage increase.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton; Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland, Wisconsin; Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac; Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in Green Bay; Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville; Western Technical College in La Crosse: and Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore.

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