Electrician Schools in Minneapolis

The minimum requirements for an aspiring electrician looking to choose the right training program in Minneapolis should include a strong curriculum, flexibility, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and hands-on training.

Trying to sift through all the available trade, technical, and vocational schools in the area for these characteristics tends to be quite stressful. We have decided to simplify the task for prospective candidates by providing the list below. Here, we explore the best options using the key criteria highlighted above.

Before we dive into the list itself, however, we also provide a quick overview to help candidates become familiar with the important steps needed to become a successful electrician in Minneapolis in the first place.

How to Become an Electrician in Minneapolis

The key steps in becoming an electrician in Minneapolis include participating in classroom training and acquiring hands-on experience. The programs below should be enough to fulfill these requirements.

From there, candidates may go on to receive their journeyman license from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. Doing so involves paying a $50 licensing fee. The journeyman license must be renewed every other year.

Journeyman electricians licensed for a couple of years may earn a master’s license by paying another $50 fee. This license must also be renewed every other year.

Candidates looking for professional credentials may consider the LEED Green Associate credential offered by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Certified Automation Professional credential offered by the International Society of Automation (ISA).

Top Electrician Schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Below are top-quality training options for future electricians in Minneapolis to consider.

Dunwoody College of Technology

Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis offers an Electrical Construction and Maintenance program that can be a perfect platform to launch a successful electrician career in the city. The program lasts two years, after which candidates receive an associate degree.

Thanks to the school’s partnership with unions and professional organizations, most candidates tend to consolidate their training here with further apprenticeship programs.

Candidates may also enroll in the school’s Electrical Design program. In this program, they’ll learn to use software to draft and design advanced electrical systems.

Lake Superior College

Lake Superior College offers one of the state’s most popular electrician training programs. Known officially as the associate degree program in Commercial and Residential Wiring, the program offers robust training to prepare graduates for a handful of roles in any top electrical establishment.

It boasts relatively affordable tuition and comprehensive training. It can be completed in two years.

By the time they’re finished, graduates will leave with in-depth knowledge of crucial topics such as trade math, safety and health awareness, blueprint reading and sketching, project layout and planning, trade electrical theory, and the national electric code, among many others.

Explore detailed steps and top trade schools in the state:

Northwest Technical College

Northwest Technical College in Bemidji is another worthwhile destination for robust classroom and hands-on training as an aspiring electrician anywhere in Colorado.

Known as the Electrical Construction and Maintenance program, the program produces successful electricians and electrician apprentices each year. It has a 100% job placement rate.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College

Interested candidates may enroll in a top-class Electrical Lineworker Technology program at Minnesota State Community and Technical College. At the Wadena Campus, the program is strictly for those seeking to specialize as Minnesota linemen.

Candidates can choose between a diploma program and an associate of applied science degree program.

The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and the Higher Learning Commission accredit Minnesota State Community and Technical College.

Saint Paul College

Like most technical colleges, Saint Paul College students may pursue a certificate or associate degree on their paths toward becoming successful electricians. By graduation, accepted applicants will have become familiar with key topics such as electrical, motor, and generator theory. They may then learn more advanced topics such as the National Electric Code (NEC), commercial wiring, telecommunications, and OSHA requirements.

Notable Mentions

Order notable measures include the certificate program at Anoka Technical College, the certificate and associate degree programs at Dakota County Technical College, the electrical technician certificate program at Leech Lake Tribal College, the certificate program at Northland Community and Technical College; the certificate and associate degree programs at Ridgewater College; and the electrical maintenance technician certificate program at Riverland Community College in Austin, Minnesota.
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