Electrician Schools in Chicago

Electricians have extensive knowledge of electrical systems and components. They can leverage this knowledge to help us fix, maintain, and upgrade our electrical gadgets and devices.

Electrician demand grows with each passing moment thanks to the growing complexity of electrical components. For individuals in Chicago who would like to consider a career as an electrician, you’ll be glad to know that the city boasts some of the country’s most impressive electrician training programs.

We take a look at some of the most prominent of these below.

How to Become an Electrician in Chicago

Enrolling in a training program is just one step toward becoming an electrician in Chicago. The other steps are to fulfill the basic requirements needed to enroll in this program in the first place and then apply for licensure once you graduate.

The basic requirements involve having a high school diploma or GED and meeting the minimum age of 18.

Regarding the actual training, candidates may consider enrolling in a vocational or college training program for a solid theoretical foundation and ease of employment.

Those looking for a different alternative may consider applying for an apprenticeship program. To be licensed, electricians in Chicago must sit for a licensing exam organized by their municipality.

Top Electrician Schools in Chicago, Illinois

Having understood the steps in becoming an electrician in Chicago, below are some of the most notable electrician schools in and around the city.

1. City Colleges of Chicago - Richard J Daley College

The City Colleges of Chicago -Richard J Daley College is one of the premier institutions in Chicago where future electricians can earn a certificate or an associate degree. The school boasts more than 8,000 students and is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Higher Learning Commission.

For aspiring electricians at the school, most tend to go with the associate of Applied science degree in Electrical Construction Technology program, which happens to be a partnership between the school and the Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust, which itself comprises the National Electrical Contractors Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 134.

2. College of DuPage County

College of DuPage County in DuPage is another notable alternative for aspiring electricians in Chicago, thanks to its extensive classes and beautiful facilities.

The school currently has more than 28,000 students, including several aspiring electricians. The program of interest, in this case, is the associate-level Electronics Technology program offered in the school’s Glen Ellyn campus in DuPage County.

Students get to immerse themselves in several hands-on experiments designed to consolidate the topics they are being taught in class immediately. The program is a viable alternative for students in Chicago looking for a high-quality but low-cost educational alternative.

The Higher Learning Commission arm of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools accredits the school.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Coyne College

Another viable alternative for aspiring electricians in Chicago is Coyne College. The school offers multiple training programs, including a certificate program and an associate degree program.

Aspiring electricians here learn everything they need to know, including hands-on lab sessions on the school’s Chicago campus. Another exciting reason to enroll in Coyne College’s Electrical Construction program is that, thanks to the small class size, students enjoy a very individualized instruction package that includes tons of hands-on training.

The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges accredits the school.

The program is known for its relative speed and can be completed in around 78 weeks.

4. Heartland Community College

Heartland Community College, located at Normal in McLean County, offers an associate degree program in Renewable Energy Skills for aspiring electricians nationwide. With around 5,000 students, most of which are on 2-year programs, the school is notable for producing competent graduates in various fields.

Students who enroll in the electrical renewable energy program will enjoy high-quality education at an affordable cost.

The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools accredits the school.

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