Electrician Schools in Denver

When an aspiring electrician in Denver, Colorado, finally decides to launch a career, one of the first things they’ll have to decide is their training avenue. Finding a good training program in Denver should be relatively easy, as the city boasts top-class options in and around it.

However, the challenge usually arises when candidates try to narrow down their search to only the best among the best. Thankfully, the article below is for exactly that purpose.

You don’t have to worry about wasting time identifying the best options, as we have done just that below. Here, you’ll discover prominent electrician training programs in Denver, Colorado, what they have to offer, and a quick overview of the steps necessary to launch a career in the first place.

How to Become an Electrician in Denver

As mentioned above, choosing a training avenue is the first important consideration when launching an electrician career in Denver. Candidates may choose between academic programs at trade and technical schools or apprenticeship programs and hands-on training.

Of course, combining academic and on-the-job training is a popular approach for the best of both worlds. Typically, to gain admission into any of these training destinations, candidates are advised to have a high school diploma/GED and proficiency in a few high school science subjects.

To become licensed, candidates must pay a $75 examination fee and attain a passing score of 70% in the licensing examination.

Top Electrician Schools in Denver, Colorado

The following are some of the most prominent training programs for aspiring electricians in and around Denver, Colorado.

Emily Griffith Technical College

The electrical technology program Emily Griffith Technical College offers is one of the most appealing options for aspiring electricians in Denver. The program is known to be of very high quality and offers both classroom and hands-on training.

Even though a technical college offers it, the program is considered an apprenticeship certificate program, thanks to partnerships with relevant organizations that provide comprehensive real-world training and opportunities to earn on the job.

Red Rocks Community College

Red Rocks Community College offers several training programs to prepare aspiring electricians in Colorado for successful careers. Most of these programs are organized as two-year associate programs, but candidates also have the opportunity to choose short, fast-tracked, 6-month certificate programs. An appeal of attending these programs lies in the fact that candidates would have the opportunity to work in an array of electrician positions, including securing employment as construction electricians, maintenance electricians, industrial controls electricians, and more.

Red Rocks Community College has campuses in Lakewood and Arvada.

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Colorado Technical University

Colorado Technical University, through its Aurora and Colorado Springs campuses, offers high-quality electrical technology training programs. The major offering, however, is the two-year electronics technology degree program, which has an incredible track record of success and graduate placement.

The school also has strong connections with 4-year universities across the area, giving candidates a straightforward platform to advance their careers through a bachelor’s degree or even higher.

Colorado Technical University’s electronics technology program also boasts state-of-the-art facilities for immersive training.

Pickens Technical College

At Pickens Technical College in Aurora, students may enroll in the associate’s degree program offered by the Electrical Engineering Technology department. The program has a few requirements: applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma, and be sound in basic mathematics and algebra.

Apprenticeship Programs

Candidates seeking apprenticeship options may consider any of the state’s four IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) Union apprenticeship programs, which are located in Denver, Colorado Springs, Clifton, and Pueblo.

The National Electrical Contractors Alliance backs all these programs, coordinated through the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committees (JATC).

As expected, the programs operate at a very high and robust educational standard. Candidates must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be physically fit to apply successfully to these programs.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include the associate degree program in electronic technology at Ecotech Institute in Aurora, the electrical lineworker program at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, and the certificate in electrical technician training program offered by Intellitec College, which has locations in Colorado Springs and Grand Junction.

Colorado Mesa University also offers strong certificate and associate degree programs in electrical technology at its campus in Grand Junction.
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