Culinary Arts Schools in Denver

The following guide analyzes potential training destinations for future culinary artists in Denver, Colorado. Because this particular step is crucial to determining the success of professionals in the field, we have taken the time to curate only the best programs for individuals to consider.

Along with listing the names of these programs, we provide valuable details such as their tuition ranges, training arrangements, possible awards and degrees, and other noteworthy highlights. By the time they finish the guide, readers should understand exactly what to look for in the program and which options are the best.

How to Become a Chef in Denver

Chefs in Denver need a food handler’s license, but the government sets this only as a legal requirement. Potential employers generally decide on the other considerations.

While most restaurants and catering services prefer to work with chefs who have some form of educational background, it is also possible to receive training on the job.

After completing a program and receiving enough skills in an actual work environment, a chef in Denver can choose to start their own business or restaurant by following the general steps required to start a business in the state. Depending on the kind of service, they may also need to go for specific permits.

Top Culinary Arts Schools in Denver, Colorado

Below are some amazing training programs for aspiring chefs and culinary artists in Denver to consider.


Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

Boulder, CO Campus + Online

The Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts is regarded as one of the foremost culinary institutions in the country. It has programs in multiple cities, including a campus for Colorado residents.

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$19,569 - $39,365 per Program
  • (855) 955-7555



Emily Griffith Technical College

Denver, CO Campus + Online

Emily Griffith Technical College is one of the most popular post-secondary institutions in Colorado. The school has an excellent training program for prospective culinary artists and chefs in the state, which allows them to complete their training in seven months.

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$7,815 per Program
  • (720) 423-4700



Cook Street School of Culinary Arts

Denver, CO Campus + Online

Cook Street School of Culinary Arts has existed since 1999 and has provided professional and recreational training ever since. In addition to the Hospitality Management program, the school offers an excellent Culinary Arts program that includes 80% hands-on training.

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Call for Details
  • (303) 308-9300 Ext: 1



Colorado Mountain College

Breckenridge, CO Campus Only

At Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs, residents of Colorado will be able to participate in several culinary arts programs, including an associate of applied science program. For those who would like additional alternatives, the school offers a Culinary Arts Skill Certificate program, the Production Cook Certificate program, and a Culinary Arts internship.

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$104 - $530 per Credit
  • (970) 945-8691



Colorado Mesa

Grand Junction, CO Campus Only

Lastly, aspiring chefs in Denver may also receive their training at Colorado Mesa. As described on the program website, those who are accepted into this program will learn in a wonderful commercial kitchen laboratory under the supervision of highly experienced instructors.

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$7,704 - $20,976 per Year
  • (970) 255-2600


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