CNC Machinist Schools in Seattle

The duties of a CNC machinist involve setting up and running CNC machines, monitoring the feed, and ensuring that resource use is optimal and efficient. Candidates must enroll in a well-structured training program to acquire the expertise to carry out their duties.

Although aspiring CNC machinists in Seattle, Washington, have various programs, it can take a lot of work to pick the best one and separate the top-quality schools from the pack.

Luckily, interested candidates will be glad to know that they don’t have to do all of these independently, as we have provided below an in-depth list containing only the most prominent CNC machining training programs in and around Seattle, Washington.

How to Become a CNC Machinist in Seattle

The most important step in starting a CNC machinist career in Seattle is to acquire training either at an academic institution or an apprenticeship program.

Regardless of where an aspiring CNC machinist in Seattle chooses to acquire their training, the most important thing is that they focus on theoretical and practical principles and carry out their duties confidently.

Once they’re done with training, candidates may obtain relevant certification even though the law does not mandate it. Becoming certified is highly advisable because it helps professionals improve their craft and network with other CNC machinists.

The National Institute of Metalworking Skills provides various certification options to consider.

Top CNC Machinist Programs in Seattle

Aspiring CNC machinists in Seattle may consider any top-quality programs below for their education.

Washington State Community College

Washington State Community College’s Workforce Department offers a CNC machinist training program that can be completed online. Applicants who are admitted will learn about metal cutting, grinding, safety, inspection, and work-holding principles.

All of these skills will serve them well when they secure employment. The program includes 195 course hours and can be completed in 12 months. Due to the self-paced nature of the program, candidates enjoy a great deal of flexibility while acquiring skills that will solve them for life.

The program has no prerequisite except owning a computer with a compatible operating system.

South Seattle College

South Seattle College offers a CNC machining program on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. This program includes 60 College credits and can be completed in 9 months.

Taking place at the school’s Georgetown campus, candidates must apply to the admissions office and register for classes before they can start their training sessions. The school also helps with tuition where applicable.

The first part of the coursework includes basic manufacturing, which consists of blueprint reading, mathematics, and an introduction to CNC machining. The second part includes intermediate manufacturing, which consists of geometric dimensioning, tolerance, and CNC machine programming.

Lastly, an advanced manufacturing component covers advanced programming and machine tools theory, among others.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Spokane Community College

Spokane Community College offers an associate in applied science degree in CNC technology. The program lasts for six quarters and includes a comprehensive array of topics that will enable individuals to secure a job and be confident in their abilities.

According to the program website, candidates may also seek financial aid if eligible. Participants can operate several CNC machines by graduation while performing quality control functions and ensuring compliance specifications.

Bates Technical College

Bates Technical College offers an advanced machining program that is very thorough and hands-on. Candidates will not only learn classroom topics but also be able to work with actual machines thanks to the school’s modern laboratory.

The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) and Haas Automation recognize the program. Graduates can acquire a certification from both organizations before securing employment.

Clover Park Technical College

Clover Park Technical College is another wonderful destination from which to receive training as an aspiring CNC machinist in Seattle. The school offers a Manufacturing Engineering Technologies program with hands-on training in cutting-edge manufacturing and automation.

Students will learn about computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, manual machining processes, computer numerical control machines, additive machines, advanced computer-aided engineering, advanced programming techniques, and other CNC machine types.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include the Machine Tool Technology program offered by Four Rivers Career Center, the Machining and Manufacturing Technology associate degree and certificate programs offered by Green River College, and the Precision Machining program offered by Olympic College.

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