CNC Machinist Schools in Columbus

Success in any occupation is usually a function of the level of training obtained beforehand. CNC machine technology career is no different. The most successful CNC machinists have spent significant time attending a good program and identifying the best programs for them.

Columbus, Ohio, is a city that has several high-quality CNC machinist training programs all around it. While this is usually good news for individuals in the city looking for such programs, it can also be quite stressful going through all available options and picking out the best.

For this reason, we have provided the resources below, including only the top CNC machinist training programs around the city and a few notes on why they deserve your attention.

How to Become a CNC Machinist in Columbus

To become a CNC machinist in Columbus, Ohio, everyone starts by acquiring a high-school diploma or GED. They will need this to enroll in a CNC machinist training program.

Some programs ask applicants to have a valid driver’s license before being accepted.

For CNC machining training, interested individuals in the state have two alternatives – the first option is to go for an academic training program, while the second option is to go for training “on the job” through an apprenticeship program or a CNC machinist assistant program.

Both academic and on-the-job programs have their benefits and are equally valid when securing employment in the state.

In Columbus, CNC machinists may enhance their job prospects by acquiring certification credentials from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS).

Top CNC Machinist Schools in Columbus, Ohio

Aspiring CNC machinists in Columbus may consider some of the top programs below.

Ivy Tech Community College

Through its School of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, and Applied Science, Ivy Tech Community College offers a hands-on machine tool technology program. Interested applicants can apply for the associate of applied science program, short-term or long-term certificate programs.

By graduation, students would have developed a wide range of skills and craftsmanship required to thrive in the industry. They will also be able to read blueprints, use standard measuring tools, and function as a team.

The skills acquired will qualify them to work as CNC machinists, CNC programmers, setup technicians, tool and die makers, and field service technicians.

Stark State College

Stark State College in North Canton, Ohio, is another beautiful destination to acquire top-class CNC machine technology training. The school offers a computer numerical control technical certificate program designed to provide hands-on instructions and classroom training.

Accredited by the state, students acquire skills in various CNC machining topics such as CNC operation programming, setup, milling, and lathing.

The program welcomes experienced individuals looking to build upon their machining skills and high school graduates looking to start their journey in the industry.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Ohio State University College of Engineering

Ohio State University’s College of Engineering offers an excellent Machine Tool Technology and CNC Manufacturing training program through its Department of Integrated Systems Engineering.

The program aims to help students hone many modern CNC machine setup, programming, and operation skills. Students enjoy classroom and hands-on training in the workshop, focusing on turning, milling, water jetting, and more.

Buckeye Career Training Center

Aspiring CNC machinists in Columbus may also consider enrolling in the Precision Machining Program offered by Buckeye Career Training Center in New Philadelphia, Ohio. According to the program website, the school aims to help students leverage advanced computer numerical control technology skills to launch successful careers in the machining industry.

The focus topics include computer-aided machinery, computer-aided drafting, precision measuring procedures, surface grinding, lathe operation, and vertical/horizontal milling techniques.

By the time they finish the program, graduates can work as computer-aided designers, CNC programmers, machinist tool and die makers, unique machine builders, and pattern makers.

Columbus State Community College

Columbus State Community College runs a manufacturing extension partnership initiative allowing Ohio manufacturers to use cutting-edge manufacturing equipment at the school’s Integrated Systems Technology laboratory.

The school also offers several certificate programs to help develop skilled machinists in the state. Usually, companies across the state usually send their employees to the school’s programs to either acquire new skills or build upon existing ones.

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