CNC Machinist Schools in Atlanta

Becoming a CNC machinist requires the development of several operator skills to handle various computer numerical control machines. CNC machinists need to know how to program these machines, troubleshoot them, and set them up when called upon.

Attending a CNC machine technology training program is the best way to obtain these skills. As an aspiring CNC machinist in Atlanta, Georgia, you’ll be glad to know that there are numerous worthwhile programs in and around the city to consider.

We look at some of the top options below and the attributes that make them stand out.

How to Become a CNC Machinist in Atlanta

Like most states, Georgia requires a high school diploma or GED as the primary educational requirement for aspiring CNC machinists. For this reason, individuals in Atlanta must first fulfill this requirement before they can apply for a training program.

Regarding actual CNC machine training, academic programs usually offer a more structured learning environment and a degree upon graduation. In contrast, apprenticeship programs provide intensive hands-on training, real-world familiarity, and mentorship.

Choosing between an academic program and an apprenticeship program is up to individual preference, but combining both forms of training can optimize the learning experience.

Top CNC Machinist Schools in Atlanta, Georgia

The following are some of the top CNC machining programs in and around Atlanta, Georgia:

Atlanta Technical College

Atlanta Technical College is usually around the top of the colleges to receive training as an aspiring CNC machinist in Atlanta. The school’s Machining Technology program trains students to program, operate, and set up different types of CNC machines.

Instructors focus on critical topics such as the use of precision instruments, the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, and advanced-level machine operations. Students also become familiar with trade mathematics and blueprint reading as part of the extensive hands-on laboratory activities.

By graduation, students will also be prepared to take approved and nationally recognized certification and licensure examinations.

North Georgia Technical College

North Georgia Technical College’s precision machining program in its Clarksville campus offers aspiring CNC machinists in the area an opportunity to receive an associate degree, diploma, or certificate to contribute towards their careers.

The program lasts 2 to 5 semesters, depending on the student’s options. Those who qualify may also enjoy the tuition-free training offered by the department.

By the time they graduate, students will have become familiar with hands-on operation techniques in advanced CNC machining, print reading for machine tools, CNC mill manual, and lathe manual programming, among others.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

QuickStart - Technical College System of Georgia

QuickStart offers training in technology-related fields as a part of the Technical College System of Georgia. Aspiring CNC machinists in the area would do well to consider the program’s CNC machining training, which teaches the use of CNC equipment in manufacturing.

The program goes deep into the field, touching upon topics in physics, mathematics, programming, and intricate detailing. Students get hands-on experience of how it feels to work on CNC Mills and lathes, read blueprints, and utilize computer-aided design and manufacturing.

One highlight of the program is its emphasis on allowing students to start from the most miniature applications before working to production-level machines.

South Georgia Technical College

At South Georgia Technical College, aspiring CNC machinists can kick-start their careers by enrolling in the CNC Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit program. The program teaches topics such as CNC fundamentals, practical applications, mill and lathe manual programming, and, of course, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing.

A notable aspect of the program is that it balances CNC theory and practical application. This means that students will always get the opportunity to put into practice what they are being taught in state-of-the-art CNC workshops.

The program requires 22 minimum semester hour credits.

West Georgia Technical College

West Georgia Technical College offers a precision machining and manufacturing program with diploma and technical certificate options. Those who wish to go for the diploma option can choose the Precision Machining and Manufacturing diploma program or the CNC Technology program.

Students who wish to acquire a technical certificate can choose between the Basic Machine Operator, CNC Specialist, Lathe Operator, and Mill Operator programs.

Regardless of which one an individual goes with, they will have acquired relevant skills to work in advanced manufacturing facilities by the end.

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