Carpentry Schools in Augusta

Not all carpenters in Augusta, Georgia, enroll in a formal academic training program to begin their carpentry career. Doing so, however, opens up several opportunities, including learning new techniques in the field and developing strong interpersonal skills.

Additionally, training programs also help students develop critical problem-solving skills that will indeed prove crucial along the course of their careers.

For aspiring carpenters in Augusta, Georgia, looking for the right programs, we have provided a comprehensive list below containing the most notable carpentry schools in and around the city.

How to Become a Carpenter in Augusta

To become a carpenter in Augusta, Georgia, all candidates must start by acquiring proper training. One of the ways to do so is by enrolling in a former academic program to develop the right skills and classroom instructions.

Those who choose this route will likely spend a few weeks to a few months in training before they graduate. Those who enroll in an apprenticeship program might spend a few years but would have acquired much hands-on training and real-world experience.

Top Carpentry Schools in Augusta, Georgia

The following are some of the most notable training programs for aspiring carpenters in and around Augusta, Georgia.

Columbus Technical College

Columbus Technical College offers residential carpentry training for interested individuals around the area. Officially known as the Carpentry Cabinet Making program, admitted individuals will enjoy learning in a beautiful environment under experienced instructors.

They will be taught skills spanning basic carpentry, intermediate carpentry, safety, and shop mathematics. The focus topics include frames and flooring installation, construction principles, mathematics, and blueprint reading.

South Georgia Technical College

South Georgia Technical College is another beautiful destination to receive high-quality training as an aspiring carpenter anywhere in Georgia. The school is notable for its comprehensive coursework and excellent instructors with significant experience in the field.

Students who enroll in the Framing Carpenter program will graduate with a certificate and be prepared for employment. They will be trained to use hand and power tools, understand carpentry materials, read blueprints, and more.

The program includes 12 credit hours, 11 of which are compulsory for graduates to receive certificates.

Lanier Technical College

Students who enroll for the carpentry training at Lanier Technical College will enjoy comprehensive training along with several hands-on instructions that aim to get their hands on actual carpentry hand and power tools before they graduate.

The school has locations in Gainesville, Cumming, and Winder. Graduates receive a carpentry technology certificate and have acquired all the qualifications they need to secure entry-level residential carpenter and commercial carpenter employment.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Albany Technical College

Albany College offers a carpentry technology training program that adheres strictly to the standards set by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). The program includes courses designed to help individuals acquire crucial skills in carpentry and construction.

As expected, instructors here balance rigorous classroom training and comprehensive hands-on classes. Students must pass a standardized test in reading, writing, arithmetic, and sentence skills to be admitted.

Once their application is successful, they will begin carpentry courses starting with foundational English, mathematics, and interpersonal relations subjects. They will then move on to actual carpentry courses, including construction trade core, fundamental carpentry, structural framing, intermediate carpentry, advanced carpentry, and commercial carpentry.

All in all, the program includes 42 semester credits.

Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust

Aspiring carpenters in Augusta, Georgia, who desire more hands-on training in an apprenticeship program may consider applying for the training program offered by the Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust.

As one would expect, the program employs quality instructors who have either spent significant time working as master carpenters or are still doing so. Students will learn essential carpentry techniques while they become familiar with necessary safety regulations and other related topics such as shop mathematics and design.

The Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust’s carpentry apprenticeship program has locations in Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, and Kennesaw.

Notable Mentions

Other notable destinations for high-quality academic training for aspiring carpenters in Augusta, Georgia, include Ashworth College in Norcross, Georgia Piedmont Technical College in Clarkston, Woodcraft of Atlanta in Alpharetta, and the Handyman Training School LLC in Stone Mountain.

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