Auto Mechanic Schools in Laramie

Aspiring auto mechanics in Laramie, Wyoming, will be glad to know that there is plenty of high-quality training programs in and around the city. But even though this abundance of options is a positive on its own, it can become a source of frustration, particularly when it comes to narrowing down the alternatives and choosing the absolute best.

To simplify things, we have provided below a comprehensive narrowed-down list of some of the most prominent auto mechanic training programs in and around Laramie, Wyoming.

All the entries in the list have been sorted based on the quality of education, facilities, faculty, and accreditation, among other key factors.

Top Auto Mechanic Training Schools in Laramie

1. WyoTech Laramie

1889 Venture Drive, Laramie, Wyoming 82070

WyoTech-Laramie allows students to earn either an associate degree in automotive technology or a certificate of completion. The institution is not-for-profit, and tuition is relatively low compared to the alternatives.

Students get to specialize in a number of areas, including auto-diesel vehicle technology, advanced diesel technology, and applied service management, among others.

One of the highlights of the program is the fact that students can also enjoy on-campus housing making their commute to classes a lot easier. The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges accredits the school.

2. Laramie County Community College

Cheyenne Campus, 1400 E. College Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82007

Laramie Campus, 1125 Boulder Drive, Laramie, WY 82070

As highlighted on the program website, the automotive technology program at Laramie County Community College enumerates key auto tech topics such as engine construction, ignition systems, transmissions, diagnostics, and powertrains.

Along with providing all of the key theoretical and hands-on knowledge they’ll need to succeed in the profession, the program also teaches students what they’ll need to pass the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification examinations.

The program has two options when it comes to course description - the first is the Automotive Fundamentals course, while the second is the Automotive Services course. Both courses are available at the Cheyenne campus.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

3. Western Wyoming Community College

2500 College Drive, Rock Springs, WY 82901

One of the most notable higher institutions in the state, Western Wyoming Community College, has already produced a ton of successful automotive technicians and continues to do so on the back of its comprehensive program.

Prospective applicants can choose between a certificate program and an associate of applied science degree. Once admitted, students will be trained on topics such as automotive engine performance, electrical systems, suspension and steering systems, and how to use diagnostic tools.

4. Casper College

125 College Drive, Casper, Wyoming 82601-4699

One of the largest community colleges in Wyoming, Casper College is notable for its high-quality instructors and facilities. Aspiring auto mechanics can choose between its diesel power technology program and its automotive technology program.

Those who choose the latter get to graduate with an associate degree. Among other things, they will learn how to perform diagnostics on complex systems, understand and repair automotive engines, and improve engine performance.

5. Central Wyoming College

Main Campus, 2660 Peck Ave, Riverton, WY 82501, USA

Central Wyoming College provides an innovative environment for aspiring auto mechanics. Through a comprehensive two-year program with 62 total credit hours, students get to learn everything they need to begin their careers, including key theoretical aspects, along with strictly hands-on practical sessions.

The school also encourages its new students to specialize in one or more areas, such as automotive tech, parts, and power sports, among others. The Higher Learning Commission accredits the school.

6. Sheridan College

1 Whitney Way, Sheridan, WY 82801

Based in Northern Wyoming, Sheridan College is another noteworthy institution where aspiring mechanics in and around Laramie may obtain the necessary training and education. The school has both an associate degree and a certificate option.

One of the program’s highlights is that it tries as much as possible to incorporate a truly comprehensive curriculum so its graduates can pursue careers in other related fields such as robotics, tool production, and more. The program also boasts high-quality instructors willing to guide students on complex subjects every step of the way.

The Higher Learning Commission also accredits the school.

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