Automotive Mechanic Schools in Columbus

Starting as an automotive mechanic in Columbus, Ohio, requires formal training at a respectable institution. Only through these programs can aspiring automotive mechanics in the city learn to carry out their duties at a very high level.

As we’ll see below, several factors differentiate one training program from another. Some offer diplomas certificates while some offer associate degrees. It is even possible to pursue a bachelor’s degree.

In case it sounds overwhelming to consider all of these criteria and choose the best programs, we have alleviated these concerns by providing below only the most prominent training programs for aspiring automotive mechanics in Columbus, Ohio.

How to Become an Automotive Mechanic in Columbus

To start a career as an aspiring automotive mechanic in Columbus, interested candidates must begin by ensuring they have their high school diploma or GED ready. The city does not have a basic educational requirement for auto mechanics, but training programs will likely ask for one of the above.

They may acquire actual automotive mechanic training from an appropriate institution. Students may choose any program from the list below.

Auto mechanics in Columbus who wish to give themselves better career opportunities are also advised to pursue any of the credentials offered by Automotive Service Excellence. Lastly, those working with refrigerants should earn the EPA 609 certification.

Top Automotive Mechanic Schools in Columbus, Ohio

The following are the most prominent automotive mechanic training schools for aspiring individuals in Columbus to consider.

Columbus State Community College

Aspiring automotive mechanics in the area may also consider the program offered by Columbus State Community College. The school’s automotive technology program is highly comprehensive, covering topics ranging from brakes and mechanical systems to electrical and preventive maintenance standards.

One of the highlights of the program is that candidates have the opportunity to apply for the Ford Asset associate degree program, where they will get the chance to receive hands-on training in Ford dealerships and secure employment whenever they complete their programs.

Ohio Technical College

Ohio Technical College is a popular destination for top-class automotive mechanic training. The school regularly ranks among the best in the state, thanks to its comprehensive coursework and hands-on instruction.

Students of this program get the chance to earn an associate of applied science degree in automotive technology. They can then secure employment at some of the best automotive establishments in the state.

By the time they graduate, students will have become adept in various field areas, including electrical systems, engine performance, steering, and brakes.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Stark State Community College

Stark State Community College in North Canton offers a top-class automotive technology training program. The school offers various training programs spanning various field areas, allowing students to specialize and improve their employment potential.

Students of this program get the chance to earn an associate degree in automotive technology after studying for 2 years or a comprehensive certificate that takes a year to complete.

Students may also apply for the certificate in general automotive technology program, which takes one year to complete.

Cuyahoga Community College

Future automotive mechanics can earn a degree to start their career through Cuyahoga Community College’s automotive technology program. Apart from graduating with an associate of applied science degree in automotive technology, students will also be able to receive classes in both day and evening sessions while acquiring high-level expertise in the field.

Accepted applicants will be taught topics such as troubleshooting mechanical problems, repairing electrical components, and diagnosing fuel issues.

Auburn Career Center

Auburn Career Center offers a top-class automotive technology program with a reputation for producing highly successful graduates. As expected, the program incorporates classroom and hands-on training focusing on automotive collision repair and electrical systems maintenance.

Students can repair brakes and tires, steering suspension, and alignment by graduation. They will also be able to work with HVAC systems, improve engine performance, and work with complex components.

Notable Mentions

Other notable destinations for high-quality auto mechanic training include the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima, Ashtabula County Technical Center in Jefferson, Collins Career Center in Chesapeake, Edison State Community College in Piqua, Great Oaks Career Campuses in Cincinnati, Hocking College in Nelsonville, Lorain County Community College in Elyria, and Miami Jacobs Career College in Troy.

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