Auto Mechanic Schools in Jersey City

As an aspiring automotive mechanic in Jersey City, New Jersey, you will want to enroll in a training program that guarantees extensive classroom training and a certain level of hands-on instruction in workshop environments. Thankfully, several institutions in and around the city are notable for such high-quality automotive mechanic training.

Below, we look at some of the most prominent of these options. We have also included detailed notes about what makes each of these entries deserve a place on the list.

Before we start, however, here is a short but complete overview of the steps involved in starting an automotive mechanic career in Jersey City, New Jersey.

How to Become an Automotive Mechanic in Jersey City

As an aspiring automotive mechanic in Jersey City, you first want to ensure you have your high school diploma or GED. You may then apply for admission to any of the institutions below.

When you finish your training program, you should have all the skills to secure employment. Still, it is advisable to obtain additional credentials to boost your appeal to potential employers.

The certification alternatives to consider include damage analysis and estimating certification, collision repair and refinish certification, and alternate fuels certification. The Automotive Service Excellence offers all of these.

After fulfilling all the above requirements, candidates may begin their job search by preparing their resume and sending it to dealerships, repair shops, parts shops, and appropriate local government entities.

Top Automotive Mechanic Schools in Jersey City, New Jersey

The following are the top automotive mechanic training schools in and around Jersey City, New Jersey.

Lincoln Technical Institute

Lincoln Technical Institute has a wonderful automotive training program for aspiring automotive technicians nationwide and in New Jersey. In the state, the school has campuses in South Plainfield, Mahwah, and Union.

Students get to learn under ASE-certified instructors who put them through important topics such as diagnosing and repairing electrical components, heating and cooling systems, steering, and brakes.

Upon graduation, individuals will receive their certificates and will be able to receive additional certification to start their careers.

Camden Community College

At Camden Community College, applicants who successfully apply for the automotive technology program will graduate with an associate of applied science degree. This program includes a lot of comprehensive theoretical principles, but the school makes provision through partnerships for students to acquire hands-on training and practical knowledge.

For instance, students can enroll in the “Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology GM” option. Students learn via the General Motors Automotive Service Education Program initiative through this approach.

Along with participating in GM factory training, they will also develop skills that will help them secure entry-level positions and certifications in the field.

Explore detailed steps and certification requirements:

Universal Technical Institute

Universal Technical Institute is notable for numerous top-class trade programs nationwide. The school has a location in New Jersey where aspiring automotive mechanics can train to begin their careers on the right path.

According to the program website, the classrooms are fully equipped, and students can enjoy hands-on instruction at the modern laboratories and workshops.

Under the tutelage of expert instructors using state-of-the-art training tools and teaching methods, students of this training program can begin their careers 51 weeks after starting their classes.

Mercer County Community College

Mercer County Community College in West Windsor is another prominent location where future auto mechanics receive comprehensive training to start their careers. As with most auto mechanic training programs in the state, the school offers a two-year program after which students will graduate with an associate of applied science degree in automotive technology.

Students have become skilled in several field areas by graduation, including brakes, suspension, collision repair, and steering systems.

Sussex County Community College

Sussex County Community College in Newtown is home to a wonderful automotive service technology program that allows students to earn a certificate and secure entry-level employment. Individuals seeking more extensive training can also apply for the school’s associate in applied science in automotive service technology program.

While the certificate program takes 12 months to complete, the associate degree program requires two years of training.

Notable Mentions

Other notable mentions include Burlington County College in Pemberton, Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, Rowan College at Gloucester County in Sewell, Union County College in Cranford, Warren County Community College in Washington, Raritan Valley Community College in Somerville, and Middlesex County College in Edison.

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