Aircraft Mechanic Schools in Texas

One of the most challenging parts of becoming an aviation mechanic is choosing the right pathway to follow. Usually, most people become professionals in the field by completing an accredited apprenticeship or official training program.

Both options are valid and recognized by the FAA.

It is also possible to become an aviation mechanic by going through the military route. Either way, regardless of the path you choose, there are a few key pieces of information that you should have before you begin to pursue a career as an aviation mechanic in Texas. You will find all of these key details more rigorously explained in the sections below.

How To Become an Aircraft Mechanic in Texas

The path toward becoming an aircraft mechanic in Texas includes rigorous training. But all things considered, it is still a pretty straightforward one.

The objective is to become certified by the FAA and secure a job at a respectable establishment, but before that, you must attend an approved training program where you’ll obtain all the necessary skills and technical know-how needed to succeed on the job.

From there, you may go on to officially apply for certification with the FAA and take the appropriate tests and examinations required. Usually, most aviation mechanics pursue a career as Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics and then work their way up toward other specialties in the field or pursue something else related to the aviation industry.

Top Aircraft Mechanic Schools in Texas

Another challenging aspect of becoming an aviation mechanic in Texas or anywhere else is choosing the right school/program to learn from. Luckily, Texas boasts of some well-respected aviation mechanic programs.

Below are some of the most notable.

1. Aviation Institute of Maintenance

400 E Airport Freeway, Irving, TX 75062

The Aviation Institute of Maintenance has produced numerous successful aircraft maintenance technicians over the years. The school has numerous locations all over the country and two in Texas. The first is located in Houston with a branch campus in Irving.

Among other things, the students here get to enjoy high-quality education from experienced trainers in wonderful facilities. The program lasts for 21 months so it’s not as fast-tracked as some other programs. But what it lacks in haste, it makes up for with its comprehensiveness.

2. Hallmark University College of Aeronautics

San Antonio International Airport

8901 Wetmore Road, San Antonio TX 78216

At Hallmark University College of Aeronautics, the entire aviation maintenance technology program is geared towards producing students who are not only ready to sit for and pass examinations but also perform their actual duties to the highest possible level once employment is secured.

Another notable aspect of the program is its flexibility. The school aims to give students as much freedom as possible to choose at their own pace, and as such, classes are made available twice a day.

In total, students may graduate while attending no more than 2 days every week.

3. LeTourneau University

PO Box 7001, Longview TX 75605

LeTourneau University is a Christian polytechnic university in Longview, Texas, with a commendable aircraft mechanic program. The school prides itself on being “user-friendly and accommodating”.

Through the aircraft mechanic program, students get to acquire all the theoretical knowledge they’ll need to pass the FAA examinations, along with the tangible, hands-on experience that will surely come in handy after employment has been secured.

Additionally, the school is notable for providing adequate support resources to facilitate student success and convenience. Many companies around the area often choose to train their employees at this institution.

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Licensure and Certification Requirements

Even though most people like to lump them together, and you will commonly find them referred to as a single entity, there are actually two distinct certification ratings specified by the FAA. These include:

  • Aircraft (A) rating and
  • Powerplant (P) rating

They are both important and as such, both ratings are often sought after simultaneously in the form of an A&P certification.


To become A&P certified, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old,
  • Must be able to read, write, and speak English,
  • Must have 18 months of practical experience,
  • Must have graduated from an FAA-approved aviation maintenance technician school or a training course for military personnel,
  • Must pass the oral, written, and practical tests.

Salary and Job Outlook

As an aircraft mechanic in Texas, you can expect to earn an average annual salary of around $73,667. Entry-level professionals who are just starting out earn lower at around $52,867, while those in the top 10 percent of earners get to take home as high as $102,651.

Factors that influence just how much you earn as an aircraft mechanic include experience level, establishment, and the specific city you happen to secure employment, among others.

Along with the base salary, aircraft mechanics also enjoy perks such as paid time off, health insurance, and 401k, among other things.

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